A point walks into A bar. says, "We're closed." is walking down the street when it sees running towards him. "Help!", shouts, There's a differential operator coming my way, and if it catches me, I'll be reduced to nothing! confidently says "Stand beside me, ! Together, we'll be safe from any differential operators we come across!" Suddenly, the differential operator appears and asks "Who are you?" They respond "We are . Who are you?" It smiles and says "".
Revolver Maps 是一个交互式的网站访客地图。每一个浏览者的位置都会实时在由 Canvas 渲染的地球上标记出来。在它的官方网站上,你可以轻松地选择地图样式,并生成用于插入 HTML 页面的 script 标签。
其中,RevolverMaps Standard GL 样式是响应式的,会自适应父元素大小,非常适合作为访客地图使用。点击「Get this Widget!」按钮,在新的页面中调整参数,可以自定义颜色、缩放、旋转等等。完成后,将生成的 script 标签复制下来,并放在你想要生成地图的地方即可。例如: